Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, ponekad na vaše uređaje pohranjujemo male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići. Isto čini i većina velikih web-mjesta.
Što su kolačići?
Kolačić je mala tekstna datoteka koja se pohranjuje na računalo ili mobilni uređaj pri posjetu određenom web-mjestu. S pomoću kolačića web-mjesto pamti vaše radnje i željene postavke (poput prijave, jezika, veličine fonta i drugih željenih postavki koje se odnose na prikaz) tijekom duljeg razdoblja, pa ih nije potrebno ponovno unositi pri svakom povratku na web-mjesto odnosno pri pregledavanju njegovih različitih stranica.
Na koji se način koristimo kolačićima?
[Adjust this part of the page according to your needs.
Explain which cookies you usein plain, jargon-free language. In particular:
- their purpose and the reason why they are being used, (e.g. to remember users' actions, to identify the user, for online behavioural advertising)
- if they are essential for the website or a given functionality to work or if they aim to enhance the performance of the website
- the types of cookies used (e.g. session or permanent, first or third-party)
- who controls/accesses the cookie-related information (website or third party)
- that the cookie will not be used for any purpose other than the one stated
- how consent can be withdrawn.
You can use as example the top level "cookie notice" of the Commission homepage.
If your site does not use any cookies, just declare it (e.g. The Information Providers Guide site does not use any cookies).If your site uses the same cookies as the Commission homepage, you can just link to the top level cookie notice.]
Kako se kontroliraju kolačići?
Kolačiće možete kontrolirati i/ili izbrisati prema želji. Više informacija potražite na: aboutcookies.org. Možete izbrisati sve kolačiće koji su već pohranjeni na računalu, a postavke većine preglednika omogućuju blokiranje pohrane kolačića. Ako blokirate kolačiće, možda ćete pri svakom posjetu web-mjestu morati ručno prilagođivati neke željene postavke, a određene usluge i funkcije možda neće biti dostupne.
[Use the following sentence only if you use cookies that need informed consent. You should also implement the Cookie Consent Kit on this page. More info on the CCK documentation page. ]
Kolačiće za ovo web-mjesto možete jednostavno prihvatiti ili odbiti odabirom jedne od sljedeće dvije poveznice: Prihvaćam kolačiće / Odbijam kolačiće.
To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Most big websites do this too.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.
How do we use cookies?
[Adjust this part of the page according to your needs.
Explain which cookies you usein plain, jargon-free language. In particular:
- their purpose and the reason why they are being used, (e.g. to remember users' actions, to identify the user, for online behavioural advertising)
- if they are essential for the website or a given functionality to work or if they aim to enhance the performance of the website
- the types of cookies used (e.g. session or permanent, first or third-party)
- who controls/accesses the cookie-related information (website or third party)
- that the cookie will not be used for any purpose other than the one stated
- how consent can be withdrawn.
You can use as example the top level "cookie notice" of the Commission homepage.
If your site does not use any cookies, just declare it (e.g. The Information Providers Guide site does not use any cookies).If your site uses the same cookies as the Commission homepage, you can just link to the top level cookie notice.]
How to control cookies
You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see aboutcookies.org. You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.
[Use the following sentence only if you use cookies that need informed consent. You should also implement the Cookie Consent Kit on this page. More info on the CCK documentation page. ]
You can easily accept or reject the cookies on this site by choosing one of the following links: I accept cookies / I refuse cookies.